Museums are vital for learning about our culture and history. Museums also hire professionals to restore and care for these priceless items so that future generations can enjoy them. We would almost likely lose the concrete ties to our past if museums did not exist. Incorporating interactive components and modern technology into a museum setting is not a novel notion. Museums have permanently housed actual items. Audio recordings with explanations, interactive displays, and video pieces have all been used. Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality will certainly continue this trend but in somewhat different ways separate ways. The advancement of technology and the existence of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Mixed Reality technology and its use in museums, have helped to increase the importance of museums and make better use of them, allowing us to learn more about our history and civilization in a more enjoyable manner.
GadAllah, S. I. I. (2020). Using Modern Technologies in the Museums’ Exhibitions: The Grand Egyptian Museum as a Case Study. International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, 14(Issue 3 (Special Issue)), 347-359. doi: 10.21608/ijhth.2020.299549
Sherihan Ibrahim Ibrahim GadAllah. "Using Modern Technologies in the Museums’ Exhibitions: The Grand Egyptian Museum as a Case Study", International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, 14, Issue 3 (Special Issue), 2020, 347-359. doi: 10.21608/ijhth.2020.299549
GadAllah, S. I. I. (2020). 'Using Modern Technologies in the Museums’ Exhibitions: The Grand Egyptian Museum as a Case Study', International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, 14(Issue 3 (Special Issue)), pp. 347-359. doi: 10.21608/ijhth.2020.299549
GadAllah, S. I. I. Using Modern Technologies in the Museums’ Exhibitions: The Grand Egyptian Museum as a Case Study. International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, 2020; 14(Issue 3 (Special Issue)): 347-359. doi: 10.21608/ijhth.2020.299549