Guide for Authors

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Author Guide Video

Reviewer Guide Video

Editor Guide Video 

- Submissions should have an abstract (not more than 200 words), keywords, introduction, research methodology, findings and references.

- Submitted manuscripts should be written in Simplified Arabic font (size 14) for Arabic manuscripts, and Times New Romans font (size 12) for English manuscripts. Titles should be written in bold.

-  Pages of manuscripts should not exceed 20 pages.

-  References Style: All references must appear in the end of each paragraph with the author's last name and year, as follows: (James, 2000), and all references should be written in alphabetical order at the end of the manuscript with author's last name, first name (year), as follows: Zeithaml, V., Parasuraman, A., and Berry, L. (1990). Delivering Quality Service, the Free Press, New York.

- Tables and Figures: Table and Figure titles should be written above the table/ figure as follows: Table 1: tourist numbers in Egypt in 1990 and source is written below the table/ figure.

- Web sites: Websites are written in full and end with the date of last access in two parentheses as follows: (last accessed 10/04/2005)

- Footnotes: All footnotes should be written in font size (10).

- Manuscripts submitted on A4 paper (3 cm for Left/ Right, and 2.54 cm for Top/ Bottom).

The Journal publishes all accepted abstracts of university degrees (Msc. and PhD) in tourism and hospitality and previous rules of research writing and terms apply The Journal also accepts published recent reports on tourism and hospitality conferences and seminars.

1350 EGP (800 Publictions, 500 for reviweing, 50 for formatting).