Age, Gender, and Job Differences in Job Crafting Behaviour among Food and Beverage Employees of Five-star Hotels

Document Type : Original Research Articles



Job crafting helps employees improve their professions by enhancing their proactive and innovative skills, resulting in increased job fitness and superior competitive advantages for the establishment. This study explores the differences in age, gender, and kitchen and service jobs regarding job-crafting behaviours (i.e., increasing structural job resources, decreasing hindering job demands, increasing social job resources, and challenging job demands) among food and beverage employees at five-star hotels in Cairo. The study used a self-administrated questionnaire form as the data-gathering instrument. The results of this study show that male employees in the food and beverage department are more likely than female employees to craft the job. Additionally, employees between the ages of 30 and 40 are the most productive while crafting their professions, and the most job-crafting productive employees are those in the service department. This research could assist hotels in gaining a clear picture of employee job crafting behavior so that hotels can focus on spreading this awareness among employees to improve job performance and fit.
