Unpublished Block Statue of Priest “Her” at the Egyptian Museum JE 36950 from Karnak Cachette, Excavation Number K.202

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Archaeology, Egyptology Department, South Valley University, Qena, Egypt


The current paper aims to publish and study a block Statue of a priest of Amun, named  @r, who was the son of  Nsr- Imn and Nxb- ^msy-iw-is. It was discovered by Legran in the Karnak Cache on 1904, and had not been previously published. It dates back to the reign of King Osrkon III (Dynasty 23). The statue was dedicated by his eldest son, "Nethr Amun", to be placed in the Karnak temple (El-Zahrey, 2009: 363). This object is now preserved in the Grand Museum (JE36950)[1].  The distortion may be due to theft, fire by thieves, exposure to groundwater, or improper preservation due to the need to quickly hide the statues in the necropolis to protect them from theft. The symbols are clear in the damaged parts to an acceptable degree and were not blurred, which gave the researcher an advantage in completing the damaged parts of the statue. The inscriptions on the back of the statue are highly visible. Moreover, we can see some damage or burns in the five columns at the bottom of the statue's front, but the symbols are still mostly preserved. The present study will discuss the statue, the scenes, and the inscriptions that carved on its surface and commenting on them technically and linguistically.
[1] The statue was transferred to the Grand Museum from Cairo Museum. (GM 2270). 


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